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ALS Office Hours
May 19, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

Who We Are
We are a group of caring people with various lived experiences with ALS, and professional expertise in the field of ALS. We understand the challenges associated with ALS, and simply want to be available to share resources and learnings that may help others.
What We Do
- We make ourselves available for one hour a week via Zoom.
- We are open and honest, and willing to discuss anything requested.
- We answer general questions about ALS pre-clinical and clinical research.
- We share resources from around the world that empower ALS families.
- We answer scientific questions as needed (scientists only)
What We Do Not Do
- Provide personal opinions about any options available.
- Represent any one organization or group – we are a group of people from various backgrounds and associations, with information and compassion.
- Give any medical advice.
- Discuss any information that we can not confirm via legitimate scientific sources or personal experience.